Download Zoom for Windows - Free -
Download Zoom for Windows - Free - Looking for: Best laptops for Zoom meetings | Windows Central Click here to ENTER Click on the link in our online Zoom meeting to sign in. You can join by going to member. Your meeting ID should be provided by the host or organizer. To join, click Join. When you join from Google Chrome for the first time, Zoom will ask you to give it a try, in your native language. Users limited in their options for installing or downloading Zoom meeting tools can make use of the web client so that they join meetings without downloading any additional software. If you are connected to a laptop via Zoom, there are two ways to access the meeting. You should install the Zoom software client as Option 1 recommended. Rather than using a PC or a mobile device, you can connect to the meeting on a desktop or laptop. During any Zoom meeting, there are no special requirements about installing any extra software. All you need for it to work is a web browser. A m...